Update Samsung omnia i900

This will update your Samsung Omnia i900 to Windows Mobile 6.5 Build 23545

The best applications are provided in the update including newer camera firmware. Below are some screen shots of the update, note that it is customizable and you can install your own skins.


It is very easy to install just follow for the instructions on the installer.


Tips _______________________

Can't connect to Internet or GPRS/ NoData generates some funny error

1. Go to Settings > Connections > Operator Settings
2. Switch to a different operator from your current operator and press OK.
3. Wait a few seconds for the wait cursor to disappear, and switch back to your original operator again.

If the above doesn't work, try this:

Go to Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > Select Networks
At " Programs automatically connects to Internet using ... ", choose My Internet instead of My ISP.

Photo album opens in landscape mode

Rotate your Omnia to landscape, and back again. (Long Press camera button, then repeat)

When I send an sms, the recipient receives ?????????

In Messaging, go to --> Tools --> Options --> Messaging --> Select "Use Unicode when necessary"

GoogleMaps crashes when I enable GPS

This is a known issue with the latest version of Google Maps on the i900. The latest version that works well is v3.2.1 (included)

Youtube doesn't start/ encounters a connection error

Set your time and clock, and try again.


Credits to Ock (Rom Chef)

When Flashing your Omnia everything stored in my device will be deleted, be sure to copy it across to my storage.

Just reply if you have any questions!


Credit Goes Forum member :bmxdudde1100

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ramel said...

omina just does not connect .after closing cannecting and restarting it does not recognise the device,please help me to connect and then i shall be able to use the update posted by you

SourceMaker said...

have you installed drivers in your system first install the studio and drivers provided ; if you dont have let me know i will you out ; and ;let me know you pc configuration dont use front usb port :)

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